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Have you been scammed? Excellent steps to seize control.

scams, scammers, scammed, hackers, hacked, account, protection

There has been a rise in people being scammed recently, which has prompted me to write this blog. Email accounts have been hacked in attempts to access attached associated accounts such as Amazon, eBay & PayPal. Further scams have been forwarded onto associated contacts of the email account. In some instances, sums of money have been taken from accounts. …

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More helpful knowledge on various scams to protect yourself


Scams will always be lurking in the background and some seem obvious whilst others are quite elaborate and believable. The reason they exist is because they work for the criminal. They work on a numbers game and even if one out of a thousand only responds, the financial gain makes it worthwhile. Armed with information and a sceptical curiosity,…

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