Trusted computer repairs and home technology support for Merseyside
Sat: 8 - 12 noon
Mon-Fri: 8 - 8
Phone Number
0151 374 2744

Best Computer Repairs to Resume Your Services Quickly

Computer Repairs, laptop, support services, PC Repairs

A full range of computer repair and services to resolve any issues you may have with your desktop PC, laptop, or tablet.  Has your device suddenly gone down leaving without normal services? Benefiting from 25 years of technology support, almost anything can be repaired without too much trouble.  From simple software issues to complete hardware failure, nothing is deemed unrepairable until we have had a good look. All PC repairs and laptop repairs are completed to high standards to offer optimal performance.

Computer Repair

If your PC is not acting as it should, bring it to PC Kings, and it won’t be long before it’s performing as new or working better than it ever did with recommended fixes or upgrades.  With many years of computer repair and servicing, we can restore almost all issues back to their working state.  Specialising in providing the best options for your PC and offering you the choice of different upgrades with competitive prices to match your needs.  Before choosing to buy another computer, check to see if you can benefit from repairs or upgrading and save hundreds of pounds.  Please see below some of the main desktop repair services:

Repair Services

  • Power fault
  • Faulty sockets
  • Unresponsive systems
  • Hard drive or storage issues
  • Video problems
  • Overheating
  • All internal hardware supported
  • Most manufacturers and models supported

All Computer Repair guaranteed

  • Hardware issues
  • Slow systems
  • Virus or malware
  • Microsoft Office issues
  • Software or systems not working
  • System not accessible

All new installed hardware has a minimum of 12 months manufacturers guarantee and a 3 month guarantee on all repairs. Free re-visits and diagnosis if same issue occurs within the 3 months.

Laptop Repairs

All of the main manufacturers of laptops are supported.  As these devices are mobile, these are susceptible to a different range of hardware issues.  There are some weak parts on a laptop making damage to components all too common.  Most components can be replaced.

Hardware Problems

  • Power faults
  • Socket damage
  • Cracked screens
  • Damaged hinges or case
  • Faulty keyboard or trackpad
  • Water damage
  • Mainboard issues

The list is not comprehensive as we support all issues you may have on your computer, laptop or iMac or MacBook.  If we cannot fix it, there is no charge. Check the T’s & C’s for repair services.

We offer a wide range of repair services for all home technology devices. Read the home tech support page to find out other supported devices. To arrange a covenient time to visit or to pickup or drop off devices, please use the online booking system to make an appointment.