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Research a TV upgrade and discover better entertainment

Old Televisions

Televisions are becoming more sophisticated with many features like on demand, recording with programme rewind/restart.  As well as the range of sizes available, there are countless technology standards, features and enhancements.  All this makes choosing a TV a daunting and confusing maze of choices if it’s time for a TV upgrade. If your TV looks like any of them…

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Have you been scammed? Excellent steps to seize control.

scams, scammers, scammed, hackers, hacked, account, protection

There has been a rise in people being scammed recently, which has prompted me to write this blog. Email accounts have been hacked in attempts to access attached associated accounts such as Amazon, eBay & PayPal. Further scams have been forwarded onto associated contacts of the email account. In some instances, sums of money have been taken from accounts. …

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Pay Zero with Professional Free Software on your Devices

Free Software

Free is great when everything else is so expensive.  Buying hardware can be quite expensive and then choosing the software can add a lot more.  You can do just about everything, a well-equipped computer with the best software installed for free.  Free software has been available since computers became popular as home devices.  Paid for software have dedicated teams…

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Secure your data with a reliable backup plan

backup, disaster recovery, data, restore

Next time you switch on your device, you could lose everything!!! This statement should make you sit up and take note if you don’t backup.  If ignored, you could be the next data loss casualty.  If your files are important, sentimental, crucial for business and your activities, you should have a backup procedure in place. Learn how to be…

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More helpful knowledge on various scams to protect yourself


Scams will always be lurking in the background and some seem obvious whilst others are quite elaborate and believable. The reason they exist is because they work for the criminal. They work on a numbers game and even if one out of a thousand only responds, the financial gain makes it worthwhile. Armed with information and a sceptical curiosity,…

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Dependable Information And Advice For Better Technology Use

Technology Blog

Scroll through the technology blogs and click any of the titles or pictures to read all about the topic. Some really useful tips, advice and information inside. All Technology Blogs Research a TV upgrade and discover better entertainment What to do if you have been scammed or hacked Technology Blogs on Free Software Backup or you could lose everything…

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End of the Road and Support for Windows 7

Windows 7

Since it’s release back in July 2009, Windows 7 has been the Windows of choice over many homes and businesses. It’s simple and intuitive design has been a big hit with the public and private sectors but since the release of Windows 8 & 10, 7 was always destined to be left behind. The start of 2015 seen the…

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50th Birthday Anniversary of the Internet


50 years ago, today, the internet was founded in a test at the University of California, Los Angeles. On 29th October 1969, Professor Len Kleinrock and his team sent the first message over a network of computers. This first message sent over a network is now what we know as the cyberspace. The message sent over the computer network…

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Improve Your Cybersecurity Awareness Now For a More Secure Internet

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Play your part in keeping yours and everybody’s devices, data and accounts safe from criminals. Learn about the risks and protective measures you can take to keep safe online. Visit these links and join the nation to build a safer online network. The National Cyber Security Awareness campaign was launched 16 years…

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Slow PC? Research best options to save your money.

Upgrade Repair Replace

Slow PC. Repair, upgrade or replace. “My slow PC is showing its age,” is what customers have said when presented with a PC that’s progressively becoming sluggish.  It’s very common due to the amount of work, software and virus nasties we throw at them.  A PC gradually becomes slow and performance decreases so slowly over time, we don’t notice…

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